Disclosure of shareholdings

Should I disclose?

If a person or group subject to the disclosure obligation attains, falls below or exceeds the threshold for voting rights set out in Art. 120 FMIA, the person or group is obliged to notify the company and the Disclosure Office within four trading days.

What shall I disclose?

The condition for being subject to the disclosure obligation under Art. 120 f. FMIA is the listing of at least one equity security of an issuer on BX Swiss. Unlisted equity securities and financial instruments are also taken into account when calculating voting-right proportions. The legal basis for the disclosure of shareholdings is, in particular, set out in the Financial Market Infrastructure Act (Art. 120 ff. FMIA) and in its implementing provisions, the Financial Market Infrastructure Ordinance-FINMA (Art. 10 ff. FMIO-FINMA) and the Financial Market Infrastructure Ordinance (FMIO). The trading calendar of BX Swiss trading calendar is decisive for calculating deadlines.

How shall I disclose?

Disclosure model

Disclosure forms

The notification must be submitted to the company and to the Disclosure Office within four trading days (art. 24 para. 1 FMIO-FINMA). The notification can be submitted by fax or email (art. 8 para. 1 FMIO-FINMA).

BX contact information

Email address: offenlegung@bxswiss.com
Telephone: +41 (0)31 329 40 40
Postal address: BX Swiss AG, Talstrasse 70, 8001 Zürich, Switzerland