Disclosure 16397

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Issuer Wockhardt Bio AG
Reason for disclosing Capital increase
Basis of calculation 51’948’000
Purchase positions 49’600’000 (95.480%)
Sale positions 0 (0.000%)
Date of origination of the reporting obligation 18.09.2015

Group of shareholders: Gruppe Wockhardt Ltd, Mumbai, Indien

Beneficial owners
Gruppe Wockhardt Ltd, Mumbai, Indien
Dr Habil Fakhruddin Khorakiwala, Mumbai, Indien
Types of understanding
Shareholders agreement
Indirect participant Representation of the group
Dr Habil Fakhruddin Khorakiwala, Mumbai, Indien

Purchase positions


Number Voting rights
49’600’000 49’600’000

No voting rights at own discretion

No derivative holdings