Disclosure 21672

Publication date:
Last updated:


Issuer Matador Secondary Private Equity AG
Reason for disclosing Termination of group, Aufloesung der Gruppe, neu jetzt Einzelmeldung
Basis of calculation 17’540’250
Purchase positions 1’175’000 (6.699%)
Sale positions 0 (0.000%)
Date of origination of the reporting obligation 10.12.2021

Individual shareholder

Beneficial owner Mathias Giebken, Auf dem Tripp 5, 61267 Neu-Anspach
Direct shareholder MG Trust GmbH, D-61231 Bad Nauheim, Höhenweg 17

Purchase positions


Number Voting rights
1’175’000 1’175’000

Namenaktien (Stimmrechtsaktien)

Number Voting rights
0 0

No voting rights at own discretion

No derivative holdings