Disclosure 18350

Publication date:


Issuer AP Alternative Portfolio AG
Reason for disclosing Beteiligungsquote in % hat sich aufgrund der Aktienvernichtung verändert und ist nun über der Meldeschwelle von 15% (extakte Beteiligung neu 15.78%)
Basis of calculation 500’000
Purchase positions 0 (0.000%)
Sale positions 0 (0.000%)
Date of origination of the reporting obligation 30.09.2018

Individual shareholder

Beneficial owner Luzerner Pensionskasse - PK, Luzern
Direct shareholder

Purchase positions


Number Voting rights
0 0

No voting rights at own discretion

Derivative holdings

Type Number Voting rights ISIN or basic terms
0 0 0 0

Sale positions

Type Number Voting rights ISIN or basic terms
0 0 0 CH0011471569