
Press Release | Patrimonium Urban Opportunity AG starts trading in the SME Main Market of BX Swiss

Today, the shares of Swiss real estate company Patrimonium Urban Opportunity AG are traded for the first time on BX Swiss.

As of today, July 18th, 2022, the shares of Patrimonium Urban Opportunity AG are traded on BX Swiss (ISIN: CH 1141117965 / Valoren-Nr.: 114.111.796 / Ticker: PATRI). With the Direct Listing of Patrimonium Urban Opportunity AG, a total of 38’101'266 registered shares with a nominal value of CHF 1.00 each will be listed. The reference price is CHF 2.73 per share, corresponding to a market capitalization of approximately CHF 104 million.

The Swiss real estate company Patrimonium Urban Opportunity AG, based in Urdorf, pursues an active and highly selective acquisition and development strategy that has focused on targeted real estate opportunities in attractive macro- and micro-locations in urbanising areas. The portfolio includes investment properties are strategically located in Switzerland's main economic hubs – Vaud, Geneva and Zürich.

«We look forward to further exciting developments and being able to positively contribute to the urban development in Switzerland's most important economical centres», says Hanspeter Berchtold, CIO Real Estate of Patrimonium Asset Management AG.

«We are proud to welcome Patrimonium Urban Opportunity AG to BX Swiss and to include them in our main exchange segment, the SME Main Market», emphasizes Lucas Bruggeman, CEO of BX Swiss AG. «With the listing, investors have the opportunity to invest in high-quality properties in Switzerland's urban economic regions and to participate in medium- to long-term, value-enhancing development potential.»

Press release in PDF.

Contact for queries:

Olivia Hähnel, press enquiries

Tel.: +41 31 329 40 66


About BX Swiss

BX Swiss AG is an established stock exchange based in Zurich. BX Swiss AG is part of the international Stuttgart Stock Exchange Group and is subject to the Financial Market Infrastructure Act and supervision by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority FINMA.

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About Patrimonium Urban Opportunity AG

Patrimonium Urban Opportunity AG and its subsidiary PROTIR AG operate in Switzerland. The purpose of the group is to purchase, sell, lease, and manage real estate in Switzerland. The Company is a limited company incorporated and domiciled in Switzerland. The registered office is located at Bergermoosstrasse 4, 8902 Urdorf.

Asset management is delegated to Patrimonium Asset Management AG and its experienced real estate asset management team. Patrimonium Asset Management AG is a Swiss fund management company with more than CHF 4  billion in assets under management and 70 employees. Patrimonium Asset Management AG is supervised by FINMA.