Regulatory Information


Reporting Office

Disclosure Office

Reporting of management transactions

Regulation and Surveillance

Regulations of the bodies defined in accordance with Art. 27 FMIA, which perform the statutory regulatory and supervisory tasks on the BX. 

Participant Audit

Decisions of the Sanction Commission of BX Swiss AG

Practice of the Disclosure Office

Listing Rules

  • Listing Rules (01.05.2023)

    The Listing Rules determine the requirements for an issuer to list its securities and its regular reporting obligations.

Further Regulations Listing

Ad hoc Publicity

Reporting Obligations

Rules for Admission to Trading

List of Fees

  • List of Fees (01.12.2023)

    The List of Fees governs the fees which participants and issuers are obligated to pay pursuant to the rules of the BX.

  • List of Fees (01.07.2024)

    The List of Fees governs the fees which participants and issuers are obligated to pay pursuant to the rules of the BX.

Decisions of the BX Admission Board

Status Definition

BX Swiss market is open, stocks are tradable live.
BX Swiss market is closed, opening at 09:00 the next working day.

Tradable Quotes are valid for 30 sec.

If the Designated Market Maker (DMM) does not provide timely a new tradable quote, trading in the relevant order book will be interrupted. Trading is immediately resumed when the DMM provides a valid tradable quote.

BX Listed securities

BX Listed securities are flagged and are subject to BX listing rules. Non-flagged instruments are admitted to trading on BX, subject to BX rules for admission to trading and not classified as listed on BX.


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The products and services presented on the this website are not intended for persons who, due to their nationality, place of residence, domicile or other reasons, are subject to any legislation prohibiting foreign financial service providers from carrying out their business activities, or whose underlying legal or natural persons prohibit or restrict access to websites of foreign financial service providers. Persons on whom such restrictions are imposed are not permitted to access this website. This applies in particular to persons resident in the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, Spain, Norway, Singapore and Japan and all other countries under whose laws the publication of financial information of foreign financial service providers is restricted or prohibited.