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Ultima Capital SA - Acquisition of management business from Ult Management

***Ad-Hoc Mitteilung*** Ultima Capital SA (BX: ULTIMA, “Ultima”), a Swiss luxury real estate owner, developer and operator listed on BX Swiss, announces that it is acquiring with retroactive effect as per 1st January 2023 the management business relating to its properties from Ult Management Holding SA and its subsidiaries (“Ult Management”). Various properties held by Ultima are currently leased to and operated by Ult Management. By acquiring the management business from Ult Management, Ultima shifts its strategy to become an operating hospitality company. This step will allow Ultima to gain full control of the operations on all of its properties. This strategic decision was taken to enable Ultima to take full advantage of the strong growth in the ultra-high-net-worth-individual (UHNWI) segment and the increasing demand for confidentiality and privacy. In addition to providing direct and exclusive access to this sought-after clientele, this acquisition will also enable Ultima to replicate the model already in place in Crans-Montana, which has demonstrated the company's ability to successfully manage this type of operation over the past few years. Following the integration of the Ult Management business, Ultima should be able to see its revenues increase thanks to the economic activity of its operating business. Ultima will therefore become an operating group, with all operations managed internally by group employees, both at the corporate and property level. Ultima has come to an agreement with Ult Management on 16 June 2023 and the board of directors of Ultima has approved the transactional documentation on the same date.

Negotiations regarding the potential acquisition of a majority stake in Ultima Capital SA

***Ad-Hoc Mitteilung*** Ultima Capital SA (BX: ULTIMA, “Ultima”), a Swiss luxury real estate owner, developer and operator listed on BX Swiss, has been informed that Globe Trade Centre S.A. (“GTC”) is currently in advanced negotiations regarding certain transactions aimed at the acquisition of a majority stake in Ultima (“Transactions”). Ultima has also been informed that the current negotiations estimate the enterprise value in the range between CHF 1.25 to 1.35 billion. Following the recent integration of the Ult Management business, Ultima has become an operating group with retroactive effect from 1st of January 2023. The Transactions could lead to the sale of the shares in Ultima indirectly held by Max-Hervé George. Further, GTC could also acquire options to buy the shares in Ultima directly and indirectly held by Byron Baciocchi. If these Transactions are agreed and completed and the relevant options are exercised, the two co-founders of Ultima, Max-Hervé George and Byron Baciocchi, would divest all or substantively all of their shareholdings in Ultima and GTC would acquire a majority stake in Ultima. GTC is also in negotiations with certain other shareholders in Ultima and intends to secure the acquisition of further Ultima shares. In case GTC acquires more than 33⅓% of the shares in Ultima, it will have to make a public tender offer for the remainder of the shares in Ultima. GTC is an investment grade rated real estate investor and developer in Central, Eastern and Southern Europe with more than 30 years' successful history. With over 200 people and 43 commercial buildings across Europe, GTC is a leader in its core markets. For 2022, the company has reported rental revenues of €167 million with an operating margin of €119 million. GTC shareholders are mainly international institutional investors, and the company is listed on Warsaw and Johannesburg stock exchanges. Ultima intends to provide a further update once it is informed of the final terms and signing of the relevant agreements relating to the Transactions. The Transactions remain subject to the relevant corporate approvals on the part of GTC.

Swiss Estates AG: Ordentliche Generalversammlung für das Geschäftsjahr 2022 durchgeführt

***Ad-Hoc Mitteilung*** Die Aktionäre der Swiss Estates AG, einer auf Bestandeshaltung in der Schweiz ausgerichtete Investorin mit Fokus auf Wohnimmobilien, sind an der ordentlichen Generalversammlung vom Freitag 16. Juni 2023 sämtlichen Anträgen des Verwaltungsrates mit deutlicher Mehrheit gefolgt. Die durchschnittliche Zustimmungsrate belief sich auf 94.7 Prozent der vertretenen Aktienstimmen, wobei rund 85 Prozent der eingetragenen Stimmrechte an der ordentlichen Generalversammlung, die dieses Jahr - gemäss den Bestimmungen des mit Wirkung zum 1. Januar 2023 revidierten Aktienrechts - rein virtuell stattfand, vertreten waren. Neben der Genehmigung der Jahresrechnung wurde im Rahmen der Abstimmungen dem Verwaltungsrat und der Geschäftsleitung Entlastung erteilt, die Vergütungen der Mitglieder des Verwaltungsrats und der Geschäftsleitung und auch der Vergütungsbericht 2022 genehmigt sowie auch das Vergütungsmodell für das Geschäftsjahr 2023 bewilligt, was auch für die Verwendung des Bilanzgewinns gilt. Zudem hat die Generalversammlung Herrn Peter Grote, Herrn Christian Terberger und Herrn Udo Rössig mit Zustimmungsraten von weit über 90 Prozent für die gesetzliche Amtsdauer von einem Jahr wieder in den Verwaltungsrat gewählt, wobei Herr Grote auch als Präsident nahezu einstimmig bestätigt wurde. Die Revisionsstelle Treureva AG, Zürich und der unabhängige Stimmrechtsvertreter wurden ebenfalls in ihren Ämtern mit knapp 100 Prozent der abgegebenen Stimmen bestätigt. Im Bereich der Durchführung von virtuellen bzw. hybriden Generalversammlungen arbeitet Swiss Estates AG mit dem Unternehmen Konsento AG, Badenerstrasse 549, 8048 Zürich ( zusammen. Die Aktionärinnen und Aktionäre konnten mit individuellen Zugangsdaten in das Portal der Konsento AG, über welches die virtuelle Generalversammlung abgewickelt wurde, zum Zeitpunkt der Generalversammlung – identifiziert - einloggen, Voten abgeben, sich an der Diskussion beteiligen und Anträge stellen und natürlich auch abstimmen. Das Tool stellte auch die Abstimmungsergebnisse fest und überführte diese in das Protokoll der Generalversammlung. Zudem konnten die Aktionäre mit Hilfe dieser Software auch den unabhängigen Stimmrechtsvertreter instruieren sowie auch bereits vorab abstimmen. Weiter konnten sich die Aktionäre zum gegebenen Zeitpunkt (optional) visuell zuschalten. Besonderes erwähnenswert erscheint, dass die Statuten (Satzung) der Gesellschaft dahingehend modifiziert wurden, dass die Partizipantinnen und Partizipanten der Gesellschaft zukünftig bei Ausschüttungen bevorzugt, analog zu Vorzugsaktionären nach deutschem Recht, behandelt werden, um diese Investorengruppe für das bei Partizipationsscheinen nicht gegebene Stimmrecht zu entschädigen. Dazu war beantragt, den Artikel 22 der Statuten wie folgt zu ergänzen: "Bei Dividendenausschüttungen wird den Partizipationsscheinen vorab eine Dividende von 5 Prozent ausgerichtet; am verbleibenden Gewinn sind alle Aktienarten gleichmässig beteiligt." Dem Antrag wurde mit 94.88 Prozent der Stimmen zugestimmt. Diese Änderungen betreffend den Partizipationsscheinen steht im Zusammenhang mit dem per 1. Januar 2023 in Kraft getretenen revidierten Schweizer Aktienrecht, welches es neu erlaubt, insgesamt bis zum Zehnfachen des im Handelsregister eingetragenen Aktienkapitals, Partizipationskapital auszugeben (Art. 656b OR), sofern die betreffenden Titel börsenkotiert sind. Somit ist es der Gesellschaft nun gestattet, ohne Änderung der Stimmrechtsverhältnisse neue Partizipationsscheine im Umfang von bis zu CHF 75.3 Mio. (zu Nominalwerten) zu emittieren. Dies ist insbesondere von Bedeutung, da die Partizipatiionsscheine - im Gegensatz zu den Namenaktien - nicht den Einschränkungen des Bundesgesetzes über den Erwerb von Grundstücken durch Personen im Ausland ("BewG" / "Lex Koller") unterliegen und daher auch von Personen im Ausland ohne jegliche Restriktionen erworben und gehalten werden können.

Ultima Capital SA achieved 2022 results highlighting strong operational performance

***Ad-Hoc Mitteilung*** Ultima Capital SA (BX: ULTIMA, “Ultima”), a Swiss luxury real estate owner, developer and operator listed on BX Swiss, reports its consolidated financial results1 as of 31 December 2022. During 2022, Ultima continued its strategy as the global economy eased out from the COVID-19 pandemic and then encountered international geopolitical tensions and a challenging market environment. The 2022 results highlight an excellent operating performance driven by growing revenues and the development of the high-end real estate portfolio. The increase in revenues (up 18% from 2021) and the management of operating costs underline the strength of Ultima’s business strategy. The Group's strategy continues to be the development and provision of a 360-degree client offer, covering premium destinations from select mountain resorts to secluded waterfront retreats and prime urban real estate all year round. Currently, Ultima has an operational portfolio consisting of 30 residences, chalets, villas and plots across 7 locations. Its development has continued to accelerate, with 9 new units under construction/renovation and a further 9 units under project, across 4 locations. The diversified real estate portfolio continues to entice ultra-high net worth clients from around the world seeking privacy, exclusivity, and exceptional experiences. Growing revenues and operating results For 2022, Ultima generated consolidated revenues of CHF 16.84 million (up 18% from 2021), mainly through the lease of investment properties owned by Ultima to ULT Management Holding SA and its subsidiaries (“ULT Management”) in multiple locations (Gstaad, Megève, Corfu, Mies, and Courchevel), by management activities in the Crans-Montana property, and by a license agreement signed with ULT Management. The 2022 operating profit (before revaluations and amortization) of CHF 10.25 million (up 25% from CHF 8.18 million in 2021) underscores the growing performance and attractiveness of the properties. Continued development of the portfolio and optimization of the financing structure The development of our high-end real estate portfolio was very active during 2022 with the start of construction at Cologny (Geneva) and renovations at the Gstaad Promenade Chesery and Quai Wilson (Geneva) properties. Final works and renovation were achieved at the Cannes Le Grand Jardin property and the opening was held in July 2022. The delivery of Le Grand Jardin enables Ultima to expand the choice and services available to existing and new clients, and to further meet client demands for exclusivity and privacy. The company had a solid consolidated balance sheet of 1,039 million as of 31 December 2022, with a conservative adjusted Loan To Value (adjusted LTV) ratio2 of 44.6%. Since 31 December 2021, Ultima’s portfolio has increased in consolidated value by CHF 19 million from CHF 991.3 million to CHF 1,010.3 million as of 31 December 2022. This is a result of continued construction and development of the properties as well as the ongoing evolution of the portfolio. The revaluation of investment properties amounted to CHF -2.66 million in a context of rising interest rates and increasing inflation. These fair market value adjustments do not affect the operating performances of Ultima. The operating profit (EBIT) was CHF 4.47 million for 2022, compared to CHF 26.52 million in 2021. In 2022, Ultima improved its financing structure by switching some of its short-term financial liabilities into long-term bank financing loans. Ultima continues to strive to optimise the company’s financing structure and to use the most suitable financing sources over the long term. In 2022, the financial results came to CHF -8.23 million mainly due to interest bearing financial liabilities. The consolidated net result for 2022 amounted to CHF -6.98 million (CHF 16.12 million in 2021). As of 31 December 2022, Ultima had a total available consolidated cash position of CHF 19 million, consisting of cash and securities. Outlook Ultima's success is attributed to its exceptional properties and the adaptability of its business model to emerging challenges and opportunities. The diversification and the quality of its high-end portfolio positions the Company ideally to capitalise on the growing demand for privacy and exclusivity. Ultima is confident that its strong brand reputation, significant progress on current projects and continued growth of the ultra-wealthy segment will serve as a solid foundation for the development of its business model in 2023.

BX Swiss TV | In-Demand Gold: Insights into the Present Market Landscape

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Varia Europe Properties presents 2022 results

***Ad-Hoc Mitteilung*** Varia Europe Properties (BX Swiss: VARE), a Swiss-based company tailoring investment strategies to the European real estate market, published today its 2022 Annual Report, as well as the 2023 AGM invitation. The Board of Directors proposes a distribution from the Company’s capital contribution reserves amounting to CHF 0.07/share. 2022 Key Financials • EBITDA: EUR 1.2 Mio (2021: EUR 1.40 Mio) • Portfolio Value: EUR 30.3 Mio (2021: EUR 41.1 Mio) • NAV: EUR 1.06 per share (2021: EUR 1.47 per share) • Proposed distribution of 0.07 CHF/share Total revenues (income) increased to EUR 2.3 Mio in 2022. However, this positive progression was offset by an unrealized loss of EUR 2.10 Mio linked to pressure on external valuation of real estate assets in a complicated market environment with reduced liquidity and increased cap rate. Therefore, the Company ends the year with a total net loss of EUR 1.2 Mio. EBITDA remained positive at EUR 1.2 Mio as general OPEX were reduced. Taner Alicehic, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Varia Europe Properties, commented: “During 2022, we focused on generating liquidity from our current portfolio in a complicated environment. Varia Europe Properties will continue during 2023 onward to exit and collect distributions from several investments with positive results. We will look at proposing to shareholders additional distributions as we collect proceeds during the year.” Varia Europe Properties’ Annual Report 2022 can be downloaded on the Company’s website: 2022 Portfolio Update During the reporting year, Varia Europe Properties distributed 0.35 CHF/share to its shareholders representing the vast majority of the adjustment in equity value from EUR 41.9 Mio to EUR 30.2 Mio. Total number of investment projects decreasing from 20 to 19 and the Company continued to focus on recovering cash from its investments. The portfolio's income/capital return profile allocation moved from 57% capital and 43% income based as of December 31, 2021, to 63% capital and 37% income-based opportunities as of December 31, 2022. The country allocation by the end of 2022 was 55% in Spain, 33% in Italy, 6% in Ireland and 6% in Denmark (end of 2021: 65% in Spain, 25% in Italy, 5% in Ireland and 5% in Denmark). In 2022, the PRS project, a residential development strategy in Spain, was exited with attractive returns. The sale of the position allowed two distributions: EUR 3.45 Mio were paid in July 2022 and EUR 3.30 Mio were paid in February 2023, generating a 7.0% IRR and a 1.20x multiple. In addition, the Iberia Income I position was also fully exited in 2023, generating a 3.7% IRR and a 1.10x multiple in a complicated environment for debt related assets. “From an investment perspective, we believe the strength of the portfolio lies in the diversification of its assets, whether from a geographic, sectorial or income point of view. Overall, all projects exited so far generate a cumulated 6.9% IRR and a 1.16x multiple”, outlined Taner Alicehic. AGM 2023 Invitation Also today, Varia Europe Properties published the agenda for this year’s ordinary Annual General Meeting of shareholders. 2023 AGM will take place on June 30, 2023, at 4 pm CET, at the premises of its asset manager, Stoneweg, in Geneva. The invitation with all voting items is available on the Company’s website: Approval of a Distribution The board of directors proposes to the General Assembly to approve an appropriation of reserves from capital contributions, i.e. a distribution, in the amount of CHF 0.07 per share payable out of the reserves from capital contributions. Based on the number of shares issued of 28,512,619, this distribution is equivalent to a reduction in the reserves from capital contribution of CHF 1,995,883.33.

WOCKHARDT BIO AG: Intention to De-List Shares from BX Swiss / Extraordinary general meeting

***Ad-Hoc Mitteilung*** The board of directors ("Board") of Wockhardt Bio AG ("Company") has decided to propose to its shareholders to approve the de-listing of all 51,948,000 bearer shares with a nominal value of CHF 1.00 each ("Shares") of the Company from BX Swiss AG ("BX Swiss"). According to the revised Swiss stock corporation law applicable to the Company, a de-listing requires a resolution of the general meeting of shareholders passed by at least two thirds of the votes represented and a majority of the par value of the shares represented. Therefore, the Board of the Company will invite to an extraordinary general meeting with the agenda item de-listing of the Shares of the Company from BX Swiss in the coming days, which the Board of the Company proposes its shareholders to approve.

Procimmo Group AG: Ordentliche Generalversammlung 2023

***Ad-Hoc Mitteilung*** Die Aktionäre der Procimmo Group AG haben an der ordentlichen Generalversammlung vom 7. Juni 2023 sämtliche Anträge des Verwaltungsrats gutgeheissen. Alle Verwaltungsratsmitglieder wurden für eine Amtsdauer bis zur nächsten ordentlichen Generalversammlung wiedergewählt. Der Verwaltungsrat setzt sich weiterhin aus folgenden Personen zusammen: Yann de Méhérenc de Saint Pierre (Präsident), Taner Alicehic (Mitglied), Nicole Beiner (Mitglied) und Christoph Borgmann (Mitglied). Im Weiteren wurde aufgrund des neuen Aktienrechts eine Totalrevision der Statuten vorgenommen, die von der ordentlichen Generalversammlung angenommen wurde. Die behandelten Traktanden anlässlich der ordentlichen Generalversammlung vom 7. Juni 2023 sowie der Jahresbericht 2022 sind verfügbar unter: Die nächste ordentliche Generalversammlung ist am 5. Juni 2024 geplant.
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